Blogging or YouTube: Which Is Better For Passive Income?

We all know what passive income is. Passive income is the income where you put in one-time work and continue to receive results or income from it for a long time. Another advantage of passive income is that you can earn while you are not working or sleeping. Two such major sources of passive income are blogging and YouTube. Once a video or article is published on a YouTube channel or blog site, income continues as long as visitors keep coming.

ব্লগিং নাকি ইউটিউবিং, প্যাসিভ ইনকামের জন্য কোনটা বেশী ভালো?

Now if you want to open a path of passive income for yourself, which one will be better for you? Today's article will discuss this in detail. Read the whole to get an idea.

What is blogging?

Blogging is about answering people's questions and needs on the Internet through written content, as well as expressing own's thoughts and research. People are constantly searching for something on the internet. If you can analyze their queries and present the answers to them beautifully on your site then you are a blogger. Blogging is publishing people's experiences, knowledge, theory, and data on the internet.

Blogging is for whom?

Can everyone do blogging? Of course not. I think blogging is only for thoughtful people. Blogging is only for those who think about different topics and can convert it into a beautiful and fluent written presentation. You can't succeed here by stealing people's writings. No one will recognize you if you don't have strong writing skills or something new in your writing. The first condition of good writing is to read a lot. You must first be a good reader before you can become a good writer.

Many of us don't like to express ourselves in front of everyone, a bit of an introvert type. But their thinking is subtle and they can enter this field. Besides, those who have technical knowledge about websites, domains, hosting, development, design, etc. will get an advantage in this field. You can hide your face and promote your talent on the internet and earn from it.

What is YouTube?

Everyone knows that YouTube is the largest video content social media. On YouTube, one side is the viewer or audience and the other side is the content creator or YouTuber. YouTubeing is creating your own channel on YouTube and uploading video content to the audience. YouTube channels can be individual, group, or commercial. There are several ways to earn by uploading video content.

Read more details about YouTube...

YouTubing is for whom?

People from different professions are involved in YouTube at the same time. Blogs may only have writers and readers but YouTube has actors, directors, models, musicians, players, journalists, and politicians. This is the main difference between blogging and YouTube. You can become a celebrity by YouTubing but you can never become a celebrity by blogging. Not only money can be earned on YouTube but popularity can also be earned. If you have the talent to present yourself in front of the camera and experience in audio, and video editing then YouTube is for you.

Will you be a blogger or YouTuber?

By looking at the two types of platforms above, you may have understood which type of personality is more effective on which platform. If you don't want to take the trouble of audio, video editing, and showing your face, YouTube is not for you. If you are a thinker, introvert, good at writing, and can write and present theory or data then you can start blogging.

And if popularity is your goal YouTube is for you. You can make videos by creating a faceless YouTube channel without showing your face, but you need to have skills in voice recording and video editing. Considering these things, according to your passion, and interest, choose which one will be good for you.

Ways To Earn From Blogging:

An established and regularly trafficked blog can be monetized in various ways. Below are some of the income streams.

1. Income from AdSense: If you build your blog according to all the guidelines of Google AdSense, once regular organic traffic starts coming, you can get AdSense approval and earn by running ads in different places on your site.

2. Affiliate Marketing Earnings: By presenting information and data in articles about various required products or services, share the affiliate link of that product and ask your readers to buy it from there, and if they buy it, you will get a commission from the e-commerce site according to the percentage. In this way, you can earn a huge amount of money.

3. Earn by Paid Article Writing: You can earn money by writing as a sponsor about someone's product or service.

4. Earn by selling courses: Through your blog, you can teach your readers about your experience by asking them to buy your course and earn from it.

5. Income by selling blog site: A blog site with regular traffic has high authority and its ownership can be sold at a high price.

Ways To Earn From YouTube:

There are multiple ways to earn from YouTube. They are...

1. Income from Adsense: If you grow a YouTube channel by following all the conditions of Google Adsense, you can earn from ads through monetization with Adsense approval.

2. Income from sponsorship: YouTubers earn most of their income from sponsorship. If the popularity of your YouTube channel increases, you can earn by sponsoring various products or services in your videos.

3. Affiliate Marketing: You can share the affiliate link of the product or service in the description box of your video and ask your audience to buy from there, if they buy then you can earn a certain amount of money.

4. Selling Paid Courses: Offer your expertise in the form of paid courses for special audiences. Many YouTubers have become millionaires selling courses.

Read more details about Blogging...How To Start Blogging In 2024 - Best Guide For New Bloggers

Differences between YouTubing and Blogging:

1. Blog audience prefers written content but YouTube audience prefers to watch videos.

2. In blogs, people generally type different keywords and find the desired results by themselves. But on YouTube views can be gained by showing thumbnails and creating questions in the viewer's mind.

3. Only a laptop and the internet are enough for blogging. YouTube requires a camera, mic, light, laptop, etc.

4. Blogging does not require any specific environment, it can be done remotely from any place. YouTube video recording requires preparation, environment, and waiting for the right time.

5. At the beginning of the blog, investments such as domain hosting may have to be purchased, although the blog site can be opened for free using Google Blogger. YouTube is totally free to start.

6. The competition of blogs is relatively less than that of YouTube.

7. YouTubeing requires more effort than blogging.

8. Blogging requires all the skills of website management. YouTubeing requires skills in graphic design and video editing.

Similarities of Blogging and YouTubing:

1. Blogging and YouTube both fall under passive income, once you make an article or video, you can earn from it for a long time.

2. There will be no income initially on both platforms. You have to create regular content for free for 5-6 months at first, you have to spend effort. And if everything goes well, the income will start within 6 months.

3. If you want to earn from Google Adsense, you have to follow Google's rules and conditions in both cases.

4. You can't be successful at anything without consistency. If you open a blog site or YouTube channel and don't do regular work, you won't get any results.

What skills are required for blogging? 

Having quality writing skills is the only way to impress the reader. If you are good at writing then half the work is done and the other half you need to focus on SEO, backlinks, website management, keyword research, etc. If you have these skills you can easily become a successful blogger.

What skills are required for YouTube?

There are several steps to go through to prepare a good-quality YouTube video. First, you have to write the script, do research, and prepare about what will be in the video, and what information will be given. Next is recording, which is also an important skill. The way you present your audio or video is what sets you apart from the rest of the YouTubers.

And should have skills in video editing as well. You need to know how to prepare a good-quality video using the necessary software. And it also requires the skill of how to create an attractive thumbnail and finally upload everything properly. So it turns out that creating a YouTube video requires different skills in different steps that are not usually required to write a blog article.

Blogging and YouTube Earnings:

It would be foolish to say that one platform can earn more than another. The amount of income depends on many things. Sometimes people become millionaires through YouTube and sometimes by blogging. There are also records of million-dollar earnings from English language blogs as well as YouTube.

So if you sit thinking it will not be better than that. If your YouTube channel is not big or if the visitors to the blog are less then it is normal that your income will be less. There is no limit here.

Blogs usually get less traffic than YouTube videos. Due to the large audience on YouTube, the views are high, but the blog has fewer visitors and earns more than YouTube. Again, even if you get a lot of views on YouTube, you get more income.


Let me tell you one thing, whether you are blogging or YouTube or whatever you do it takes hard work and patience to be successful in life. Bengalis always have the desire to become big men overnight. But there is no such thing as overnight in these fields. A YouTube channel or a blog site is like a sapling, if you take care of it with hard work and patience, one day it will become a tree and give you fruits. Hope this article was helpful to you. Thank you.

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  • Rahat Hasan ✅
    Rahat Hasan ✅ February 02, 2024 2:04 PM

    এটি একটি পরীক্ষামূলক কমেন্ট।

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